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SEC - Simple Email Collector 1.0.10
Are you still collecting business cards? Are you spending hourstoput those email addresses into your contact list? There is amuchsimpler and faster way. Simple Email Collector allows you toeasilycollect names and email addresses on your smartphone ortablet.TURBOCHARGE YOUR NETWORKING 🙈 SECURE: Your email list willbehidden offline and secured with a PIN code so only you canaccessit 🙉 SIMPLE: Easier to use than a pen and paper 🙊 SUITABLE:Cleandesign, suitable for any event (wedding, trade show,summit,meetup, etc.) Simple Email Collector works perfectly offlineso youdon't have to be worried about Wi-Fi or cellular networkcoverageor anyone spying on your saved emails. 👍 Names and emailsarestored in .CSV format (comma separated values) 👍 View namesandemails in viewer (locked with your PIN code) 👍 No serverattachedNames and email can be exported easily to common emailmarketing orCRM tools, including MailChimp, AWeber, iContact,Constant Contact,, Infusionsoft and ExactTarget. Whyyou should spendtime building an email database? For many smallbusiness, socialmedia is totally overrated (this has been confirmedby both Gartner& Forrester Research). Use social media, but ifyou rely on itfor your business you are dead. Only 5-15% of yourleads will comefrom social media. You should spend time buildingyour emaildatabase, because 75% of campaign results (leads, etc.)from email(same research above states categorically that email is40 timesmore powerful for business than all social media combined).We'dlove to hear from you. If is any question or comment you canfindus on: [email protected]